30 Days in the Forest

In January, my inbox filled up, as it does every year, with well intentioned self-improvement offers. 30 days to a new you, etc. And I did sign up for a 30 day free yoga offer with equally good intentions. But then I had that nagging feeling: I just know I won’t stick to it. Largely because after all the staying home of the last two years and that I continue to work primarily from home, I did not need another activity to do at my house. I needed an activity to motivate me to get out of the house every day. Then one day in the forest, taking my standard two-mile hike that I usually do a couple times per week, I came across a horse and rider. While I frequently see the evidence of horses, I don’t often see the

actual horses themselves. Meeting one close up was thrilling; horse and rider just seemed so alive. Then it struck me that I could do my own 30 day program: 30 Days in the Forest. Same path, every day. For 30 straight days. And then draw something, anything, that I had seen in the forest that day. What would happen? Would I feel better at the end of it? Sleep better? Draw more?

Now here we are; Day 20; i’m actually sticking to my promise to myself. I did substitute one hike on Blake Island on Day 6. But considering that hike was more than four times as long, I decided it counts.